Girl blows out candles on cake surrounded by her dad, mom, and brother at home.

Integrating eligibility support across programs in Texas

Key takeaways

The state’s social safety-net programs help millions of Texans access affordable medical care and support services, buy healthy food, and cover other basic needs. An integrated eligibility and enrollment process across state benefit programs makes it easier for people to connect to essential services quickly. In partnership with the state, we continue to bring new approaches to streamlining services and enhancing the customer experience for people applying for benefits.  

Quick and easy.


When the state faced increased applications for Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the volume of work for program eligibility workers also increased substantially. This put additional demands on the workers and increased application processing times. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) identified that a large-scale, integrated eligibility solution would enhance operational performance and streamline the application process for Texans seeking these benefits.


HHSC launched an integrated application and eligibility process for dozens of public assistance programs, including Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, and TANF. In addition to introducing greater operational efficiencies, HHSC wanted to improve customer experience. HHSC selected Maximus to initially process the application documents and then send them to state employees to make final eligibility determinations based on standards set by the federal government and state legislature. HHSC also selected us to operate a customer contact center to help people navigate the eligibility process and answer their case or application questions.

How we did it

Working collaboratively with HHSC, we evaluated over 2,000 processes and helped the state consolidate support services for Medicaid, CHIP, SNAP, and TANF from county-based to statewide. This significantly improved performance by standardizing fundamental services, integrating the process of applying for and determining eligibility, and providing entry through multiple channels and self-service options.

  • Self-service options: While continuing to deliver our core contact center and application support services, we implemented the state’s “self-service first” model in 2007. Today, online application submissions reduce the need for mail and paper document processing services. Callers use self-service interactive voice response technology to check their benefit status, receipt of supporting documents, appointment dates/times, and more, allowing our contact center agents to help other customers with more complex requests.
  • Multichannel outreach: Recognizing the need for more than a one-size-fits-all approach, we implemented multichannel outreach — phone calls, text, email, and paper mail — to remind Texans to update their demographic information so the HHSC team can easily reach them when processing their cases. For those who prefer to interact by regular mail, we even introduced eye-catching yellow envelopes to help increase response rates to HHSC’s mailed communications.


Infographic with 3.7 million cases supported monthly, over 1 million calls handled monthly, and 5.2 million documents and images automatically processed annually

A continued partnership

When HHSC experiences an increase in workload, we bring suggestions to streamline operations and stand to provide them with surge support. Over the years, we’ve demonstrated that we bring the scale and innovation to meet Texas’ growing needs. Along the way, we’ve:

  • Empowered agents, streamlined information access, and improved information maintenance by moving from script-based work instructions to a database of frequently asked questions
  • Resolved inquiries faster with a consolidated customer inquiry tool
  • Increased efficiency by automating the routing of documents that don’t require human review or action

Natural disaster surge support

After back-to-back natural disasters in 2024, the state allowed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to request replacement benefits. We quickly reassigned customer service agents at our eligibility support services contact center to handle replacement requests. Over three months, we handled an additional 500,000 calls and met key performance requirements. Our ability to handle surge support seamlessly meant HHSC could quickly restore benefits to Texans impacted by the storms.

Streamlined processes

Maximus proposed creating a team to streamline the collection and preparation of evidence packets required for eligibility appeals processing. The state agreed, and our team began to review case information, gather documents that support the eligibility decision, and prepare a packet for the fair hearing officer. This new approach takes this administrative task off busy caseworkers, decreases the need for hearing rescheduling requests, and helps prevent backlogs of appeal tasks for HHSC.

The Maximus difference

Maximus has worked in Texas since 1981, and we remain a committed partner for improving the lives and wellbeing of Texas families. In addition to our eligibility support services, we provide conflict-free choice counseling and enrollment services for Medicaid and CHIP participants that help HHSC improve choice rates. We also provide customer service for vital records requests for the Texas Vital Statistics Section. We offer a straightforward yet innovative approach, seamlessly working across multiple health insurance programs and providing Texans with multichannel access, self-service options, multilingual informational materials, and customer service.

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