Nancy Shanley

Managing Director, Clinical Services

Nancy Shanley is a leader within our clinical services team and has consulted with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and dozens of states about operational, policy, and infrastructure issues underpinning successful long-term services and supports (LTSS) assessments, assessment-based service rates, and the role of assessments in rebalancing LTSS programs.

Nancy is a national expert in preadmission screening and resident review (PASRR) standards, regulations, requirements, and operations and brings over 30 years of experience working in the delivery of services to LTSS populations, providing evaluations and therapy, and coordinating care for children and adults with complex needs. Nancy helped develop the CMS standards within the Minimum Data Set 3.0 Resident Assessment Instrument Manual. She worked closely with CMS and co-trained national audiences about specialized services, person-centered evaluation, and methods of obtaining funding for specialized services to build person-centered, person-focused services and supports. For over a decade, Nancy was a consultant to CMS’ PASRR Technical Assistance Center and was a founder, director, and education director for the National Association of PASRR Professionals.

Nancy continues providing Medicaid LTSS screening, assessment, eligibility, and PASRR consulting support with specific insight into federal regulatory requirements, national best practices across LTSS assessment, eligibility, service determination programs, and policy trends related to evolving state initiatives.

Explore Nancy's insights

Making an impact

Nancy collaborates with states to refine the delivery and application of long-term services and supports assessments. Her efforts help ensure timely access to care while tailoring programs to provide the right care in the right setting at the appropriate intensity to meet each person's unique needs.

See Nancy's impact