Higher Education

Higher education institutions face increasing demands to balance compliance, operational efficiency, and financial management. Maximus provides the expertise and tools to help you streamline administrative processes, manage risk, and optimize financial outcomes—so you can focus on your mission of educating and supporting students.


Facilities & Administration (F&A) Consulting and software

We offer you everything you need to maximize facilities and administrative rates using our industry-leading software and consulting services.

Service Center Assessments and Reviews

Customized support for your institution’s existing or future service center. Trust us to help you design and implement a service center for your institution that is effective, efficient and compliant.

Compliance and Risk Assessment

Recent federal audits have resulted in large monetary settlements at a significant number of institutions. The growing complexity and volume of federal regulations (e.g., 2 CFR) further complicates your efforts to comply.

Grant Management

Our services include transitional staff operations support, organizational review, business process review, and compliance risk assessments which can help leadership understand the organization’s service weaknesses and risk.

Asset Management and Valuation Services

Strategic Asset Management Services Offerings, Including the Physical Inventory/Verification of your organizations: Land, Infrastructure, Land Improvements, Buildings/Building Services, and Moveable Equipment for Asset Management and Financial Reporting Purposes.

Effort Reporting System & Services

Our proprietary web-based solution and related consulting services help central and academic departments comply with increasingly complex federal regulations surrounding effort reporting and managing effort commitments.

Learning opportunities

We offer a variety of workshops and our Annual Meeting that enable you to hear presentations from university experts and Maximus staff, meet and interact with peers from other institutions, and earn CPE credits.

Learn more about our events
A man wearing headphones while watching a webinar on his laptop.

Maximus can assist you with a qualitative and quantitative assessment of your organization’s sponsored program enterprise, plans for strategic expansion, and capacity enhancement.

Our Comprehensive Rate Information System® (CRIS®), now available on a sophisticated .NET platform, automates the F&A rate calculation to assist you with the preparation of your F&A proposal. Offering flexible levels of support, our experts perform complex analyses in CRIS® to maximize your reimbursement. Full outsource services are also offered where we load the University data into CRIS® and prepare the Proposal.

Two businessmen looking a tablet.

Working closely with your staff to ensure your proposal is of the highest quality, we provide technical-level data support, as well as direction and strategy specific to proposal methodology. We also offer custom work plans and timelines to assist in that process.

Business colleagues standing around a table having a discussion.

To increase the quality of your F&A proposal, our CRIS® experts analyze your CRIS® models and review the efforts of your staff to complete the space survey and the proposal. This is accomplished through diagnostic and critical reviews of your F&A proposal.

Business colleagues looking over a document.

Our experienced negotiators can assist you in attaining excellent F&A rates. Our professionals negotiate over a dozen F&A proposals each year with varied rate increases for a number of institutions. We have negotiated in and have good working relationships with all four HHS-DCA regions and ONR-DCAA.

Ariel view of a team meeting.

We assist you in conducting a space functionalization survey, utilizing the same methodology used by the Federal Government. We prepare instructions, develop definitions, conduct department training sessions and complete quality control reviews to assure your space survey is defensible. Our WebSpace® system allows you to select the rooms to survey, establish roles for department and central administrators, incorporate payroll data, substantiate survey results and review a variety of reports summarizing the survey status and results.

When you conduct your own survey, we review the survey to improve its acceptability to the Federal Government. Our staff can show you where your space surveys are likely to be challenged and how to defend these challenges, reducing unwelcome surprises during negotiations. We also perform the same Base-Space review and analysis, utilizing CRIS® reports, as is done by the Federal Government.

WebSpace provides institutions with a tool to facilitate the space survey process, free-up the institution's resources for other tasks, and produce a defensible space survey that will ultimately maximize the negotiation of F&A rates. WebSpace can also be used to meet state requirements pertaining to space information.

A person taking a website survey.
  • Mitigates risk and promotes a structured discipline that reinforces compliance
  • Streamlines the effort reporting process by using electronic forms
  • Provides an audit trail, using an automated workflow process with notification and escalation for delinquent forms and recording retroactive labor costs transfers
  • Supports any frequency of certification, including multiple simultaneous reporting periods, and is accessible 24/7
  • Provides management reporting for many roles, including ad hoc reporting
  • Tracks and manages committed effort at multiple levels by month within the project’s budget period
  • Provides for a proactive and more prepared federal audit process
Colleagues in a business meeting while a man walks down the hallway.

Our effort reporting experts assist higher education institutions in the development of effort reporting policies, procedures and systems. We have an in-house staff of technical experts, with experience in the development and implementation of systems, who can help you develop or improve your effort reporting process or system. Our functional staff members have many years of effort reporting experience in research institutions and can help your institution develop policies and procedures to strengthen your compliance initiatives. Our experienced team also provides training for your management and staff on the nuances and intricacies of effort reporting.

Business colleagues standing around a table having a discussion.
  • Complete diagnostic review of current processes, procedures and systems
  • Compliance review of performance standards
  • Development or review of policies and procedures
  • Training for department administrators and certifiers
  • Needs assessment and gap analysis
  • System integration
  • Establishment of affordable processes
A group of consultants looking at a tablet while having a meeting.
  • For more information about our ERS services, e-mail us or call 800.709.2747
  • For ERS Product Support, e-mail our help desk.
A woman holding her mobile device.
  • Maximize your research, service, and education funding potential
  • Manage service centers, support expansion, and eliminate barriers to research
  • Identify and recommend a staffing model to ensure you have balanced resources to help you improve competitiveness and reduce risk
  • Improve your organization risk position
  • Staff your organization with transitional resources for operational support
  • Assist in the appropriate staff training to improve effectiveness and reduce turnover
  • Respond to audit inquiries
  • Policies and Procedure Compliance Review
  • Policy and Procedure Development / Update (update existing policies and SOPs and create new ones where needed)
  • Business Process Review and Improvement
  • Organizational Review and Change Management (review of the structure, goal alignment, technology, staffing levels, staff training, and business processes)
  • Transition Staffing (we provide resources to assist with all facets of Pre and Post Award operations i.e. organization management and leadership,  proposal development, award management, billing/invoicing, project closeout, reporting, financial management, etc.)
  • Effort Reporting Compliance and Solution
  • Live Training Solutions for Research and Sponsored Programs
  • Service Center Reviews
  • Tech Transfer and Patents, Export Control, IRB, IACUC Review (review of organization, staffing, policies, and procedures)

If your institution currently depreciates its buildings over a 40, 50, or 60-year life, you are probably not maximizing your potential depreciation benefits. Building Componentization allows you to adjust the average asset lives from say, 60 years to perhaps 20 to 30 years, thus accelerating your depreciation and increasing F&A reimbursement. Additionally, with periodic/ongoing building renovations, new PI’s occupying new space, the lifing of these assets due to renovations, improvements, or betterments, could be significant and should be accurately reported.

Maximus will perform a Building Componentization study in accordance with OMB 2 CFR 200 of your research-intensive buildings (Organized research activities of a defined percentage of Organized Research activities) by accurately identifying and segregating construction and renovation costs into the OMB designated cost reporting groups below:

     Building Shell                         Building Services                  Fixed Equipment
Building EnvelopeHVAC System   Laboratory Benches and Cabinetry
Exterior/Interior Construction   Plumbing System  Exhaust/Fume Hoods
Roof FramingEmergency Power Support SystemsEmergency Eye Wash/Shower Stations
Building FoundationFire protection System Fixed Auditorium Seating
Below Ground Infrastructure SystemsElectrical System Vivarium Support Equipment
 Elevators/Escalators          Sterilizers / Glassware Washers

While we are componentizing the building structures, we also perform a formal lifing analysis of the Building Shell, Building Services, and Fixed Equipment Asset classifications via an interview process with your facilities department to arrive at individual lives, “based upon institutional experience,” consistent with OMB 2 CFR 200.

We will perform a Physical Space Inventory of all buildings where significant Organized Research / Other Sponsored Activities take place. 

This space inventory will include the following tasks:

  • Electronically Measure Each Room to Verify Reported Square Footage
  • Assign the appropriate Higher Education General Information System (HEGIS)/Facilities Inventory Classification Manual (FICM) Codes
  • Assign Principal Investigator (PI) for rooms where Organized Research/Other Sponsored Activities take place
  • Provide Physical changes to the room layout, or occupancy designation on the floor plan
  • Provide a database in an Excel Space Inventory File with a Letter of Certification

We will perform a Physical Space Inventory of all buildings where significant Organized Research / Other Sponsored Activities take place. 

This space inventory will include the following tasks:

  • Electronically Measure Each Room to Verify Reported Square Footage
  • Assign the appropriate Higher Education General Information System (HEGIS)/Facilities Inventory Classification Manual (FICM) Codes
  • Assign Principal Investigator (PI) for rooms where Organized Research/Other Sponsored Activities take place
  • Provide Physical changes to the room layout, or occupancy designation on the floor plan
  • Provide a database in an Excel Space Inventory File with a Letter of Certification
Dock on a lake.

Having an accurate inventory of your Moveable/Fixed Equipment  Assets and identifying these assets to the Building/Floor, Department and Room level is very important. This effort will allow your institution to comply with the OMB 2 CFR 200 bi-annual inventory requirements, comply with asset stewardship requirements for Federally Funded assets, allow for asset screening requirements to avoid duplicate asset purchases, and bring the asset depreciation to the room level to maximize your deprecation by research function for F&A reporting purposes.

For this effort, we will conduct a complete wall-to-wall physical inventory with barcode/RFID asset tagging services on a room-by-room basis, of your moveable and fixed equipment with little to no disruption to ongoing research activities. We will verify the Building, Floor, Department, and Room Number for each location included in our proposed study. We will scan each current barcode asset tag affixed to each asset, that meets your current capitalization policy of $5,000, and greater. If an asset is not currently tagged at the time of our inventory, we will affix a new tag to those assets. Once these assets are scanned, we will also verify the Building, Floor, Room, Department, Asset Description, Model, Manufacturer, and Serial Number data fields for each asset scanned. In the event an asset was relocated from its previous location, we will update the new location of the transferred asset.

At the conclusion of our inventory, we will reconcile the “new” physical inventory to the “current” inventory that your institution maintains and provide you with the following reconciliation reports:

  • Assets Matched - assets scanned that match assets currently recorded in your Fixed Asset Database.
  • Unrecorded Additions - assets not previously tagged and not currently identified in your current inventory database.
  • Unrecorded Retirements - assets reported in the current Fixed Asset Data Base, but not physically located during our physical inventory study.

It is important to note that every entity must have current formal Asset Management Policies and Procedures in place that are subject to Internal/Independent, as well as State & Federal cognizant auditor review.

Maximus can review your Fixed Asset policies and procedures, as well as your Real Property facilities construction policies and procedures. This service will include a review of your institution's acquisition, capitalization, updating, and disposition Policies & Procedures associated with your Moveable/Fixed Equipment Assets. Additionally, with this effort, we will review your institution's Buildings (Real Property) Policies & Procedures to include Renovations/Improvements, Capitalization Policies for Improvements/Betterments vs ongoing Maintenance/Repairs,  Acquisition/Donations of Buildings vs Construction, and Improvements to Leased property.

Insurers, Brokers, and Underwriters rely on accurate moveable equipment and real property data for insurance risk management reporting purposes. Underreported, or inflated insurable property values could possibly result in payment of inaccurate premiums, which can result in inadequate insurance coverage in the event of a catastrophic loss.

Our service offering can support your institution's Risk Manager with accurate replacement costs and asset documentation for insurance placement requirements with current/accurate asset values. In the event of a loss, we can provide “Proof of Loss” services as part of our Insurance Valuation Services.

Old white business man leading a business meeting.

Get in touch

In our evaluation, we cover major high-risk areas identified in federal reviews and inspector general audits. Our work plan includes over 170 evaluation items and will deliver a comprehensive report on compliance areas, numerical ranking, and specific recommendations. We provide fast and confidential results, with project cycles typically lasting four to eight weeks. We address the top ten non-compliance issues, including direct charging, effort certification, cost transfers, and budget revisions.

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