Wellbeing trainings and webinars

Wellbeing webinars in 2024 just for Maximus

Register for a live webinar:

View a recording of a previous webinar:

Link to all videos: https://vimeopro.com/user65099910/maximus/video/895954919
Password: webinarmaximus

10/9/24: Headspace Live Webinar - Calming Every Day Anxiety. View the recording here: Webinar link.

Man watching a webinar on his laptop

Mental Health in the Workplace trainings for managers and employees

All sessions are 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ET.
The meeting logistics will be sent to you in the confirmation email once you register on the MyLearning site.
If you have trouble receiving the confirmation email, you may put the Zoom link directly into your calendar.

For managers

Managers may attend a 90-minute training that helps them identify when mental health issues show up in the workplace and how they can help employees before an issue becomes a crisis.

Register by visiting Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers on myLearning.

Participant Guide: Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers

For all employees

This training is designed to help employees recognize when a colleague may need help and share the available resources. We do not expect to solve problems or diagnose conditions, but we can use available resources to find the best way to support each other.   

Register by visiting Mental Health in the Workplace for All Employees on myLearning

  • November 20, 2024: Put this Zoom link into your calendar

Participant Guide: Mental Health in the Workplace for Employees