If your state’s program is operating on an aged, inefficient computer system and you don’t need or cannot afford a full replacement system, replatforming may be your best option for system modernization.
The good news is states can realize significant operational and business process benefits as part of the replatforming effort. All too often the transition to a new platform focuses on technology rather than program goals. A more holistic replatforming effort can incorporate organizational readiness, staff preparation, data management, interface planning, and project management activities, enabling your state to achieve greater value for its multi-million-dollar investment.
Replatforming is not only a way to move your aged system to a current technology platform, but also an opportunity to increase program performance, decrease operations and maintenance costs, improve user experience, optimize workflows, and focus on pain points that limit your ability to serve customers and employees.
New technology creates an opportunity to reimagine and enhance how the system supports case and customer management. Our team of skilled consultants can help the state explore and implement program improvement opportunities leveraging the technology investment required to move your systems and processes to the cloud.