ERG Spotlight - Jenny Mao

Maximus AANHPI member explains benefits of ERGs

How long have you worked for Maximus, and what is your job?

I have worked for Maximus for over five years. I am responsible for leading the compensation function with a focus on the job architecture that enables career paths to support employee growth and ensuring our salary structure and practices are fair, equitable, and compliant.

Why do you think it’s important for companies to invest in a DE&I strategy?

It increases employee engagement and motivation because employees feel more valued and included in the workplace. Additionally, a diverse workforce with people from different backgrounds and perspectives can lead to increased creativity and innovation.

Why did you join the AANHPI ERG?

I want to connect with colleagues who share similar cultural backgrounds. It has helped me build a sense of community, especially in the hybrid work arrangement. I have enjoyed celebrating cultural holidays (e.g., Lunar New Year) with the community members.

What’s the most exciting experience you have had as a member of the AANHPI ERG?

It was very exciting for me to share Michelle Yeoh’s Oscar achievement with the community members. I grew up in China watching her movies, so seeing her representing us meant a lot to me. AANHPI ERG allows me to share my pride with my colleagues at Maximus.

What’s the biggest impact you think the AANHPI can have on Maximus and/or the community?

According to the U.S. Census, over 25 million people in the U.S. identify as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. AANHPI can promote diversity and inclusion by raising awareness about different cultures and encourage a sense of belonging among the community. AANHPI also creates new connections between employees and can be a major factor in attracting and retaining diverse talent.