State and Local Government Consulting Services

Our strategic guidance and evaluation to transform programs, modernize processes, and align with policies are guided by our real-world operational experience.


Governments choose us to optimize operations and support business and technology improvements. As state and local agencies align program initiatives with policy, we help them modernize inefficient processes and systems.

Program modernization

We simplify modernization by leveraging decades of expertise to guide your program transformation. Our team answers your toughest questions and delivers tailored solutions.

Program transformation

Boost program efficiency with our operational assessments, change management, process reengineering, and automation strategies — ensuring cohesive, effective transformation.

System modernization

We guide system modernization from pre-planning to implementation, offering project oversight, quality assurance, and IV&V to ensure successful outcomes.

Digital government solutions

As people expect more from government services, we’re your digital engagement experts, bringing solutions that are accessible, convenient, and on-demand.

Financial services

We use proven tools to develop cost allocation plans for government agencies and facilities and administration cost rate proposals for higher education institutions.

Modernize your program and adapt to evolving needs

Our consultants bring decades of experience and lessons learned to business and technology issues. Working with our state partners, we provide program expertise and strategic guidance on high-level business issues and customer engagement strategies. Just as importantly, our evaluation of programs and policies is guided by real-world operational experience.

See how we modernize programs
Taking the mystery out of modernization Play

Modernization experience across government

Smiling young female woman reads her renewal letter while accessing a Medicaid member portal from her laptop at home


Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS), Provider Data Management Systems (PDMS), state-based marketplaces

Female case manager listens intently to a male SNAP recipient and job seeker

Human services

Child support services, child welfare (CCWIS), foster care and adoption, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs

Business process outsourcing expert stands in front of a white board with sticky notes as he explains how to streamline a state health insurance program to his two government clients

Assistance programs

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) systems and unemployment insurance (UI)

Quantified costs for informed decision-making

We've provided financial consulting services to thousands of state, county, and city agencies. Our experienced consultants deliver critical insights informed by a national perspective and deep understanding of government accounting.

Financial consultants take notes while reviewing cost allocation charts and graphs on paper and a tablet

Financial services consulting

We're an industry leader in the analysis and preparation of complex Cost Allocation Plans (CAPs), Statewide Cost Allocation Plans (SWCAPs), and Public Assistance Cost Allocation Plans (PACAPs). Our cost allocation services result in the recovery of millions of taxpayer dollars each year while adhering to all applicable regulations. Work with us to:

  • Increase general fund revenue by recovering costs expended on federal and state programs, enterprise funds (including water, sewer, and airport operations), special purpose districts, and bond funds.
  • Recover overhead costs by incorporating indirect cost rates in grant applications.
  • Identify the full cost of providing services to other programs.
  • Identify central service costs of supporting internal service funds or enterprise funds, including those costs in the rates or fees charged to end-users.
  • Understand the costs of providing services and, in turn, being able to control costs more effectively.
  • Make more informed decisions regarding privatizing services.
  • Enhance transparency and accountability to government and the public.
  • Implement a best practice of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)

Local communities faced with federal and state cutbacks and limited revenue growth seek ways to avoid reducing valuable services or eliminating programs, positions, and projects. User fee studies, which examine program costs and provide a means to determine proper fee structures, often provide a fair and efficient solution to these challenges. Work with us to identify:

  • Additional revenue: Comprehensive user fee analyses typically result in substantial additional revenues.
  • Reduced subsidy: When user fees are charged for services being used by individuals from other jurisdictions, those individuals are no longer being subsidized by local taxes.
  • More efficient resource allocation: User fees prevent waste by rationing services and encouraging greater public responsibility.
  • Improved decision-making: When full-service costs are known, more educated decisions can be made with respect to resource allocations and/or service delivery.
  • Greater acceptance: Results are more readily accepted when the analysis is performed by an objective outside expert.

The growth and increasing complexity of technology service organizations means greater challenges for government billing systems and overall cost recovery processes. We bring an in-depth understanding of the design, mechanics, and impact of cost allocation and rate development processes to help you with:

  • Focused information gathering: Our work across many governmental entities gives us fresh ideas and specific insight into approaches that benefit you.
  • Alternative evaluation and modeling: Our software tools model leading alternatives to assess the financial and operational impact on your cost recoveries.
  • Easy-to-understand schedule of charges: We present equitable and logical billing rate schedules that effectively communicate the technology services you provide to other agencies.
  • A cost allocation infrastructure with expenditures by service: Using a fair, equitable, and repeatable process, our plans are routinely reviewed and approved within our clients’ governance structures as well as federal cost negotiators and auditors.
  • A chargeback structure with units of service consumed: Billings are based on actual service consumption, accurately and reliably measured, and routinely reported to users.
  • Visibility into usage consequences: Our rate structure reflects opportunities for users to realize economies based on which services they use and how they use them.
  • Cost analysis to assess competitive alternative service delivery: We carefully calculate costs, so you can focus on where to pursue alternative service strategies.
  • A compatible and compliant cost allocation scheme: Compatible with your goal of optimizing federal cost recovery and compliant with federal rules and regulations, our cost/rate structure is creative and responsive to today’s technical and service environments, without jeopardizing important federal recoveries.

Discover how we drive results

Female consultant points to sticky note while brainstorming with government clients

Insights: Align state program vision with innovation

A female systems modernization consultant speaks to a group of government clients seated around a conference room table

News: Wisconsin child support modernization award

Our leaders

Headshot of Maximus employee Robin LaFrance

Robin LaFrance

Executive Managing Director
Headshot of Maximus employee Rick Sankey

Rick Sankey

Senior Managing Director
Headshot of Maximus employee Robert Knapp.

Robert Knapp

Senior Managing Director, Digital Government
Headshot of Maximus employee Pat Aguilar.

Pat Aguilar

Managing Director, Program Modernization
Headshot of Maximus employee Harold Horton

Harold Horton

Managing Director, Higher Education
Headshot of Maximus employee Michael Holmes

Michael Holmes

Associate Managing Director, Financial Services
Headshot of Maximus employee Troy Tangen

Troy Tangen

Associate Managing Director, Financial Services

State and local government solutions

Across all 50 states and D.C., we help agencies accelerate service delivery to address challenges and move people forward.

Explore our solutions